Communications, Business Continuity, Duty of Care and Compliance

By Emily Byrne, Marketing Manager at Track24/AtlasNXT

Brought to you by Track24, AtlasNXT is the SaaS 3D precision communications platform which enables organisations to intelligently filter critical information based on people, place and time.

Post-pandemic, organisations are taking a more holistic, nuanced approach to their understanding and management of risk. The need to anticipate and mitigate business disruption is fast becoming a priority. With the right system in place, organisations can manage the complexity of modern-day operational delivery, which will positively impact operations and cost efficiency, and contribute to employee satisfaction and trust.

AtlasNXT declutters the corporate communications landscape, enabling business continuity, duty of care and compliance.


Comprend’s Web Management Report, published in 2020 identifies that ‘Good corporate communications are essential for keeping everyone involved with a company engaged, be they internal or external stakeholders.’ Source.

An astonishing 2.5 hours per day are wasted on irrelevant emails and messages, contributing to significant operational drag. “Our main challenge is keeping up with the ever-changing digital landscape”, said a Head of Digital Communications who responded to Comprend’s survey. Source. How many different communication channels do you think your organisation is using to conduct routine operations? A highly complicated, inefficient landscape can be reduced down to one comprehensive communications solution, through the adoption of AtlasNXT. Corporate communications should be owned by the corporation, not by external messaging providers, through which there is no opportunity to audit critical response.

Solving the corporate communications crisis involves staying “relevant and visible in an increasing information overload.” Source.

AtlasNXT enables organisations to filter messages based on who they’d like to send a message to, where they are located (e.g. site, office or assigned geofence) and when they’d like to send the message. Organisations can communicate with dispersed workforces easily and efficiently.

Business Continuity

The redefinition of risk is something which is becoming increasingly personal to individual organisations. As cited by Brandon Gaille, blog and podcast extraordinaire: “Incidents become disasters for those who are not prepared.” Source.

At Track24, we see growth in the critical event management market in the alignment between danger and urgency when it comes to an organisations’ perception of risk. AtlasNXT has been designed in a way which allows both issues to be addressed, positively impacting business continuity.

AtlasNXT supports a proactive approach to managing risk and business disruption. Risk may be anything which impacts operations from running, for example strikes and travel disruptions, connectivity issues and increased threat of cyber-attacks attributed to a hybrid work force and scenarios which affect employee wellbeing.

AtlasNXT has been optimised to address issues commonly faced by enterprises with complex operations at scale, in distributed and dispersed team environments, who have an interest in protecting their high value assets, mitigating risk and its associated loss, and increasing operational efficiency and productivity.

Duty of Care and Compliance

Duty of care is defined as “a moral or legal obligation to ensure the safety or well-being of others.” (Oxford languages). Particularly post-pandemic, a transition into a hybrid mode of working, increasingly dispersed workforces and a significant increase in the number of lone workers in the UK to around 6 million, mean an organisations’ obligation to provide a duty of care to its employees has never been more apparent.

Can your organisation answer the ever-important question: “Who am I responsible for? Where are they?”

AtlasNXT enables organisations to protect their employees and assets by providing their duty of care, whilst also protecting brand reputation by safeguarding employees in line with industry best practices.

In their report, Enterprise Compliance: The Risk Intelligence Approach, Deloitte evaluate the landscape of compliance risk. “As globalization continues to take hold and government regulation broadens around the world, spilling across country borders, the issue of compliance risk remains a top-shelf business issue. It’s not just an item on the agenda. Compliance is its own agenda these days.” Source.

Compliance, loss prevention, and health and safety are at the heart of AtlasNXT’s design and functionality.

Organisations can ensure adherence to internal corporate compliance directives, whilst using AtlasNXT to provide turnkey duty of care solutions for their employees, wherever they are in the world. AtlasNXT enables organisations to be compliant with industry and health and safety regulations, whilst simultaneously protecting brand loyalty and employee wellbeing.

Take Aways

The benefits for organisations homing in on the 4 C’s; Communications, Business Continuity, Duty of Care and Compliance are numerous.

Regaining control of corporate communications and the transmission of critical information will improve cost efficiency, operational efficiency and productivity, boost employee satisfaction, trust and brand reputation.

AtlasNXT is the world’s first single-solution safeguarding and communications platform, enabling businesses to protect, inform and engage teams and individuals.

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